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Date(s) - Oct/11/2014
9:00 am

Ole Frederick Town Lodge 12


For more info and registration, click HERE!

The Ole FrederickTown Lodge (FOP Lodge12) is excited to hold our 1st annual Cops and Robbers 5k Walk/Run!
Come out and Run or Walk as a Cop or a Robber through the scenic back roads of Clarke County. Looking to qualify to be a Police Cadet to Attend the academy or if you think you want to try you hand at out running the law grab your loot and this is sure to be a fun time for all.

Dress in your blues or dress in your stripes and let the pursuit begin!!!!!!!!

There will be Prizes, Food and Fun for all.

******Participants are encouraged to raise “Bail” or “Revenue” monies for race day prices. “Move up Ranks” or “Reduce your Sentence” by securing your sponsorships for this event.*******

THIS EVENT WILL BE TIMED BY RACINE MULTISPORTS…… for more information on this vendor please visit racinemultisports.com