Date(s) - Oct/24/2015
8:00 am - 11:00 am
Millbrook High School
Click here for On line registration :
Registration: 8:00 am
Race Starts: 9:00 am
First 75 registered runners get a Pioneers Cinch Bag!
The MHS Color Me Blue Run is an event emphasizing fun over competition. Runners begin dressed in a white T-shirt and pass through colors stations along the 5K race course. Volunteers blast participants with dyed cornstarch and awards are given to the most colorful male and female finishers. Awards will also be given for the winners of the “MHS Class Challenge”. (The MHS class “team” with the most pre-registered participants will receive Chick-fil-A sandwiches at the conclusion of the race!) Additionally, this year several *obstacles have been added to enhance the experience and challenge. The event is open to first-time runners, families and children. Aged based pricing applies: under 14 kids:$15, students:$20, adults:$30. First 75 registered will receive a Pioneers Cinch Bag. The Color Run is sponsored by and benefits the Millbrook Pioneer Athletic Association. (*All obstacles will have alternatives for those not as adventurous)