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Rotary 5k

Saturday 10 April 2010

Jim Barnett Park, Winchester, VA
Web site: http://user.shentel.net/karsten/rotary/

Subject to proofreading and minor adjustments; will be finalized by 4/16
Send corrections or questions to karsten@shentel.net
Race photos to be posted by 4/17; see http://user.shentel.net/karsten/rotary/ for the link

#   NAME                 AGE SEX CITY, STATE         TIME     PACE  IN SEX  IN DIVISION
1.  Karsten Brown         35  M  Front Royal, VA     16:45    5:23   1st    1st M Overall
2.  Armi Legge            15  M  Winchester, VA      18:17    5:53   2nd    2nd M Overall
3.  Blake Armstrong       15  M  Winchester, VA      18:22    5:55   3rd    3rd M Overall
4.  Brad Rippey           43  M  Bunker Hill, WV     18:44    6:02   4th    1st M Masters
5.  Chris Northrup        47  M  Winchester, VA      20:10    6:29   5th    2nd M Masters
6.  Neal Riemenschneider  55  M  Winchester, VA      21:16    6:51   6th    3rd M Masters
7.  James Freilich        40  M  Winchester, VA      21:24    6:53   7th    1st M 40-44
8.  Bryan Inglish         32  M  Front Royal, VA     21:26    6:54   8th    1st M 30-34
9.  Mark Peters           41  M  Inwood, WV          21:38    6:58   9th    2nd M 40-44
10. John Shelburne        48  M  Winchester, VA      21:41    6:59   10th   1st M 45-49
11. Josh Didawick         28  M  Stephens City, VA   21:45    7:00   11th   1st M 25-29
12. Stephen Shendow       45  M  Berryville, VA      21:49    7:01   12th   2nd M 45-49
13. Michael Legge         31  M  Stephens City, VA   21:53    7:03   13th   2nd M 30-34
14. Bill Senseney         61  M  Charles Town, WV    21:57    7:04   14th   1st M 60-64
15. Joel McKenzie         48  M  Stephens City, VA   22:00    7:05   15th   3rd M 45-49
16. Myron Kremer          53  M  Winchester, VA      22:07    7:07   16th   1st M 50-54
17. Jim Shaughnessy       49  M  Winchester, VA      22:44    7:19   17th   4th M 45-49
18. Misty Lowman          32  F  Martinsburg, WV     23:06    7:26   1st    1st F Overall
19. Will Faber            26  M  Bunker Hill, WV     23:07    7:26   18th   2nd M 25-29
20. David Spriggs         51  M  Stephens City, VA   23:13    7:28   19th   2nd M 50-54
21. Tim Hudson            42  M  Harpers Ferry, WV   23:15    7:29   20th   3rd M 40-44
22. Phil Griffin          42  M  Winchester, VA      23:35    7:35   21st   4th M 40-44
23. Ed Mayhew             64  M  Winchester, VA      24:08    7:46   22nd   2nd M 60-64
24. Stoney Mason          53  M  Winchester, VA      24:23    7:51   23rd   3rd M 50-54
25. Bill Osuch            57  M  Kearneysville, WV   24:29    7:53   24th   1st M 55-59
26. Doug Morris           71  M  Delaplane, VA       24:37    7:55   25th   1st M 70 & Over
27. Michael Carmon        27  M  Mableton, GA        24:49    7:59   26th   3rd M 25-29
28. Patrick Northrup       9  M  Winchester, VA      24:51    8:00   27th   1st M 9 & Under
29. Carlo Micale          61  M  Hedgesville, WV     25:05    8:04   28th   3rd M 60-64
30. Josh Benton           31  M  Gerrardstown, WV    25:27    8:11   29th   3rd M 30-34
31. Karin Warren          43  F  Winchester, VA      25:37    8:15   2nd    2nd F Overall
32. Don Louque            42  M  Winchester, VA      25:41    8:16   30th   5th M 40-44
33. Jacqueline Post       29  F  Stephens City, VA   26:04    8:23   3rd    3rd F Overall
34. Rachael White         15  F  Winchester, VA      26:06    8:24   4th    1st F 15-19
35. Ron Henderson         34  M  Wardensville, WV    26:13    8:26   31st   4th M 30-34
36. Tara Owens            15  F  Winchester, VA      26:23    8:30   5th    2nd F 15-19
37. Dale Marchant         17  M  Winchester, VA      26:23    8:30   32nd   1st M 15-19
38. Ed White              42  M  Winchester, VA      26:35    8:33   33rd   6th M 40-44
39. Kenneth Grandon       28  M  Stephens City, VA   27:02    8:42   34th   4th M 25-29
40. Paul Griffin          11  M  Winchester, VA      27:09    8:44   35th   1st M 10-14
41. Janion Ubert          36  F  Stephens City, VA   27:12    8:45   6th    1st F 35-39
42. Ed Grainger           65  M  Stephens City, VA   27:33    8:52   36th   1st M 65-69
43. Joanne Johnson        53  F  Stephens City, VA   27:56    8:59   7th    1st F Masters
44. Jim Angelo            40  M  Winchester, VA      27:57    9:00   37th   7th M 40-44
45. Heather Callahan      52  F  Kearneysville, WV   28:13    9:05   8th    2nd F Masters
46. Brandon Reeve         23  M  Winchester, VA      28:26    9:09   38th   1st M 20-24
47. Jim Stewart           61  M  Winchester, VA      28:49    9:17   39th   4th M 60-64
48. Lisa Heavner          31  F  Martinsburg, WV     29:14    9:25   9th    1st F 30-34
49. Vernon Heavner        31  M  Martinsburg, WV     29:32    9:30   40th   5th M 30-34
50. Margaret Horioka      54  F  Williamsport, MD    29:42    9:34   10th   3rd F Masters
51. Chris Ryman           38  M  Woodstock, VA       29:56    9:38   41st   1st M 35-39
52. Kevin Wolfe           35  M  Winchester, VA      31:00    9:59   42nd   2nd M 35-39
53. Mary Mayhew           64  F  Winchester, VA      31:07   10:01   11th   1st F 60-64
54. Samantha Fitzsimmons  24  F  Winchester, VA      31:08   10:01   12th   1st F 20-24
55. Tom Gromling          55  M  Winchester, VA      31:31   10:09   43rd   2nd M 55-59
56. Louis Rose            65  M  Hedgesville, WV     31:49   10:14   44th   2nd M 65-69
57. Melissa Orndorff      32  F  Winchester, VA      31:58   10:17   13th   2nd F 30-34
58. Whitney Garrett       29  F  Winchester, VA      32:05   10:20   14th   1st F 25-29
59. Brian Phebus          38  M  Winchester, VA      32:53   10:35   45th   3rd M 35-39
60. Rodger Smith          46  M  Stephens City, VA   33:13   10:41   46th   5th M 45-49
61. John Copenhaver       61  M  Winchester, VA      33:16   10:42   47th   5th M 60-64
62. Janet Hughes          73  F  Winchester, VA      34:01   10:57   15th   1st F 70 & Over
63. Derek Rogan           27  M  Winchester, VA      34:19   11:03   48th   5th M 25-29
64. Sarah Didawick        27  F  Stephens City, VA   34:20   11:03   16th   2nd F 25-29
65. Shawn Twigg           33  M  Clear Brook, VA     34:40   11:09   49th   6th M 30-34
66. Gracie Twigg           7  F  Clear Brook, VA     34:41   11:10   17th   1st F 9 & Under
67. Mindy Booth           32  F  Winchester, VA      35:10   11:19   18th   3rd F 30-34
68. Orysia Nasar          55  F  Berryville, VA      35:59   11:35   19th   1st F 55-59
69. Jonathan Brown        70  M  Winchester, VA      36:06   11:37   50th   2nd M 70 & Over
70. Colleen Snyder        54  F  Linden, VA          38:20   12:20   20th   1st F 50-54
71. Caleb Rippey          10  M  Bunker Hill, WV     38:59   12:33   51st   2nd M 10-14
72. Christine Kuzar       38  F  Strasburg, VA       39:08   12:36   21st   2nd F 35-39
73. Sabrina Rippey        12  F  Bunker Hill, WV     39:34   12:44   22nd   1st F 10-14
74. Jim Tyrrell           47  M  Leesburg, VA        40:28   13:01   52nd   6th M 45-49
75. Angel Parker          29  F  Stephens City, VA   42:11   13:35   23rd   3rd F 25-29
76. Jim Snedeker          57  M  Winchester, VA      43:26   13:59   53rd   3rd M 55-59
77. Eric Chrisman         26  M  Winchester, VA      44:31   14:20   54th   6th M 25-29
78. Martha Chrisman       59  F  Winchester, VA      44:37   14:22   24th   2nd F 55-59
79. Wendy Gromling        21  F  Winchester, VA      52:50   17:00   25th   2nd F 20-24
80. Zac Carter            19  M  Winchester, VA      52:51   17:01   55th   2nd M 15-19
81. Nancy Mills           62  F  Winchester, VA      52:55   17:02   26th   2nd F 60-64
82. Shirley Guess         68  F  Winchester, VA      52:56   17:02   27th   1st F 65-69
83. Rina Atkins           82  F  Winchester, VA      52:57   17:03   28th   2nd F 70 & Over

(Accidentally misdirected, did not run full 5K: Bob Atkins, 84, M, Winchester, VA)


Weather at race time (9:00 AM): 49°, sunny, WNW wind at 7-12 mph

Course: Rolling USATF-certified route (#VA09001RT) on paved roads through Jim Barnett
  Park and the Shenandoah University campus

Race director: Chris Northrup - chris@northrupconsulting.com

Volunteers included Karsten Brown, Don Butler, Gary Chrisman, John Copenhaver, Bernie
  Demski, Phil Griffin, Sharen Gromling, George Henzel, Dick Kent, John Lamana, Rick
  Leonard, Patrick Northrup, Adrian O'Connor, Ron Price, Gene Schultz, Dave Smith, Mark
  Stickley, John Taylor, and Michelle VanHorn

Course measurement: Neal Riemenschneider

Results: Karsten Brown - karsten@shentel.net

Hosted by the Winchester Rotary Club - http://www.winchesterrotary.com/

Proceeds benefit Rotary International's PolioPlus program -


Special thanks:
  Shenandoah Valley Runners - https://svrunners.org/
  Winchester Parks & Recreation Department - http://www.winchesterva.gov/parks/
  Winchester Police Department - http://www.winchesterpolice.org/

Sponsors: Blue Ridge Landscape & Design, Inc.; Courtyard Marriott Winchester; Edward
  Jones; H.N. Funkhouser, Co. & HandyMart; Philip S. Griffin II, P.C.; Heart & Vascular
  Institute of Winchester; Hottel & Willis, P.C.; Northrup Consulting; Shenandoah
  University Institute for Government & Public Services; Signet Screen Printing &
  Embroidery; ValleyHealth; Virginia Property Group Inc.; Wells Fargo & Paul G.
  Burkholder; Winchester Imaging; The Winchester Star


Subject to proofreading and minor adjustments; will be finalized by 4/16
Send corrections or questions to karsten@shentel.net
Race photos to be posted by 4/17; see http://user.shentel.net/karsten/rotary/ for the link

(Medals were given to the top three finishers in each division)

#   NAME                 AGE SEX CITY, STATE          TIME    PACE  O'ALL  IN SEX
1.  Misty Lowman          32  F  Martinsburg, WV     23:06    7:26   18th   1st
2.  Karin Warren          43  F  Winchester, VA      25:37    8:15   31st   2nd
3.  Jacqueline Post       29  F  Stephens City, VA   26:04    8:23   33rd   3rd

1.  Karsten Brown         35  M  Front Royal, VA     16:45    5:23   1st    1st
2.  Armi Legge            15  M  Winchester, VA      18:17    5:53   2nd    2nd
3.  Blake Armstrong       15  M  Winchester, VA      18:22    5:55   3rd    3rd

1.  Joanne Johnson        53  F  Stephens City, VA   27:56    8:59   43rd   7th
2.  Heather Callahan      52  F  Kearneysville, WV   28:13    9:05   45th   8th
3.  Margaret Horioka      54  F  Williamsport, MD    29:42    9:34   50th   10th

1.  Brad Rippey           43  M  Bunker Hill, WV     18:44    6:02   4th    4th
2.  Chris Northrup        47  M  Winchester, VA      20:10    6:29   5th    5th
3.  Neal Riemenschneider  55  M  Winchester, VA      21:16    6:51   6th    6th

1.  Gracie Twigg           7  F  Clear Brook, VA     34:41   11:10   66th   17th

1.  Patrick Northrup       9  M  Winchester, VA      24:51    8:00   28th   27th

FEMALE 10-14
1.  Sabrina Rippey        12  F  Bunker Hill, WV     39:34   12:44   73rd   22nd

MALE 10-14
1.  Paul Griffin          11  M  Winchester, VA      27:09    8:44   40th   35th
2.  Caleb Rippey          10  M  Bunker Hill, WV     38:59   12:33   71st   51st

FEMALE 15-19
1.  Rachael White         15  F  Winchester, VA      26:06    8:24   34th   4th
2.  Tara Owens            15  F  Winchester, VA      26:23    8:30   36th   5th

MALE 15-19
1.  Dale Marchant         17  M  Winchester, VA      26:23    8:30   37th   32nd
2.  Zac Carter            19  M  Winchester, VA      52:51   17:01   80th   55th

FEMALE 20-24
1.  Samantha Fitzsimmons  24  F  Winchester, VA      31:08   10:01   54th   12th
2.  Wendy Gromling        21  F  Winchester, VA      52:50   17:00   79th   25th

MALE 20-24
1.  Brandon Reeve         23  M  Winchester, VA      28:26    9:09   46th   38th

FEMALE 25-29
1.  Whitney Garrett       29  F  Winchester, VA      32:05   10:20   58th   14th
2.  Sarah Didawick        27  F  Stephens City, VA   34:20   11:03   64th   16th
3.  Angel Parker          29  F  Stephens City, VA   42:11   13:35   75th   23rd

MALE 25-29
1.  Josh Didawick         28  M  Stephens City, VA   21:45    7:00   11th   11th
2.  Will Faber            26  M  Bunker Hill, WV     23:07    7:26   19th   18th
3.  Michael Carmon        27  M  Mableton, GA        24:49    7:59   27th   26th
4.  Kenneth Grandon       28  M  Stephens City, VA   27:02    8:42   39th   34th
5.  Derek Rogan           27  M  Winchester, VA      34:19   11:03   63rd   48th
6.  Eric Chrisman         26  M  Winchester, VA      44:31   14:20   77th   54th

FEMALE 30-34
1.  Lisa Heavner          31  F  Martinsburg, WV     29:14    9:25   48th   9th
2.  Melissa Orndorff      32  F  Winchester, VA      31:58   10:17   57th   13th
3.  Mindy Booth           32  F  Winchester, VA      35:10   11:19   67th   18th

MALE 30-34
1.  Bryan Inglish         32  M  Front Royal, VA     21:26    6:54   8th    8th
2.  Michael Legge         31  M  Stephens City, VA   21:53    7:03   13th   13th
3.  Josh Benton           31  M  Gerrardstown, WV    25:27    8:11   30th   29th
4.  Ron Henderson         34  M  Wardensville, WV    26:13    8:26   35th   31st
5.  Vernon Heavner        31  M  Martinsburg, WV     29:32    9:30   49th   40th
6.  Shawn Twigg           33  M  Clear Brook, VA     34:40   11:09   65th   49th

FEMALE 35-39
1.  Janion Ubert          36  F  Stephens City, VA   27:12    8:45   41st   6th
2.  Christine Kuzar       38  F  Strasburg, VA       39:08   12:36   72nd   21st

MALE 35-39
1.  Chris Ryman           38  M  Woodstock, VA       29:56    9:38   51st   41st
2.  Kevin Wolfe           35  M  Winchester, VA      31:00    9:59   52nd   42nd
3.  Brian Phebus          38  M  Winchester, VA      32:53   10:35   59th   45th

MALE 40-44
1.  James Freilich        40  M  Winchester, VA      21:24    6:53   7th    7th
2.  Mark Peters           41  M  Inwood, WV          21:38    6:58   9th    9th
3.  Tim Hudson            42  M  Harpers Ferry, WV   23:15    7:29   21st   20th
4.  Phil Griffin          42  M  Winchester, VA      23:35    7:35   22nd   21st
5.  Don Louque            42  M  Winchester, VA      25:41    8:16   32nd   30th
6.  Ed White              42  M  Winchester, VA      26:35    8:33   38th   33rd
7.  Jim Angelo            40  M  Winchester, VA      27:57    9:00   44th   37th

MALE 45-49
1.  John Shelburne        48  M  Winchester, VA      21:41    6:59   10th   10th
2.  Stephen Shendow       45  M  Berryville, VA      21:49    7:01   12th   12th
3.  Joel McKenzie         48  M  Stephens City, VA   22:00    7:05   15th   15th
4.  Jim Shaughnessy       49  M  Winchester, VA      22:44    7:19   17th   17th
5.  Rodger Smith          46  M  Stephens City, VA   33:13   10:41   60th   46th
6.  Jim Tyrrell           47  M  Leesburg, VA        40:28   13:01   74th   52nd

FEMALE 50-54
1.  Colleen Snyder        54  F  Linden, VA          38:20   12:20   70th   20th

MALE 50-54
1.  Myron Kremer          53  M  Winchester, VA      22:07    7:07   16th   16th
2.  David Spriggs         51  M  Stephens City, VA   23:13    7:28   20th   19th
3.  Stoney Mason          53  M  Winchester, VA      24:23    7:51   24th   23rd

FEMALE 55-59
1.  Orysia Nasar          55  F  Berryville, VA      35:59   11:35   68th   19th
2.  Martha Chrisman       59  F  Winchester, VA      44:37   14:22   78th   24th

MALE 55-59
1.  Bill Osuch            57  M  Kearneysville, WV   24:29    7:53   25th   24th
2.  Tom Gromling          55  M  Winchester, VA      31:31   10:09   55th   43rd
3.  Jim Snedeker          57  M  Winchester, VA      43:26   13:59   76th   53rd

FEMALE 60-64
1.  Mary Mayhew           64  F  Winchester, VA      31:07   10:01   53rd   11th
2.  Nancy Mills           62  F  Winchester, VA      52:55   17:02   81st   26th

MALE 60-64
1.  Bill Senseney         61  M  Charles Town, WV    21:57    7:04   14th   14th
2.  Ed Mayhew             64  M  Winchester, VA      24:08    7:46   23rd   22nd
3.  Carlo Micale          61  M  Hedgesville, WV     25:05    8:04   29th   28th
4.  Jim Stewart           61  M  Winchester, VA      28:49    9:17   47th   39th
5.  John Copenhaver       61  M  Winchester, VA      33:16   10:42   61st   47th

FEMALE 65-69
1.  Shirley Guess         68  F  Winchester, VA      52:56   17:02   82nd   27th

MALE 65-69
1.  Ed Grainger           65  M  Stephens City, VA   27:33    8:52   42nd   36th
2.  Louis Rose            65  M  Hedgesville, WV     31:49   10:14   56th   44th

1.  Janet Hughes          73  F  Winchester, VA      34:01   10:57   62nd   15th
2.  Rina Atkins           82  F  Winchester, VA      52:57   17:03   83rd   28th

1.  Doug Morris           71  M  Delaplane, VA       24:37    7:55   26th   25th
2.  Jonathan Brown        70  M  Winchester, VA      36:06   11:37   69th   50th