Winter Series Final Women’s Standings

Standings include those that have race at least 4 of the 7 races.

Names in RED have not paid 2010 SVR dues and are currently not eligible for
an award

Names in blue have perfect attendence


Name Age Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Race5 Race6 Race7 Total – Low 2 Award
Brenda Schrank 37 100 100 100 100 99 100 599 500 1st Overall
Michelle VanHorn 28 100 98 99 99 97 98 591 494 2nd Overall
Krista Farris 40 99 99 95 97 97 96 96 679 488 3rd Overall
Vicky Krossman 40 96 98 93 98 96 95 95 671 483 4th Overall
Katie Steadman 30 95 92 98 98 99 482 482 5th Overall
Kauren Nordstrom 27 98 96 96 95 92 94 571 479 1st 20-29
Amy Feathers 30 92 96 90 93 89 94 93 647 468 1st 30-39
April Adams 35 93 95 91 92 87 91 89 638 462 2nd 30-39
Brooke Krossman 17 90 94 87 91 84 90 87 623 452 1st 17-19
Susan Jennings 48 91 92 85 82 88 88 526 444 1st 40-49
Camryn Ubert 8 88 88 81 93 92 442 442 1st 10&Under
Natasha Tomberlin 26 91 78 80 76 85 83 493 417 2nd 20-29
Janion Ubert 36 83 83 77 86 85 414 414 3rd 30-39
Michelle See 39 70 82 84 80 86 402 402
Cindy Quinnelly 51 80 74 74 74 82 82 466 392 1st 50-59
Linda Rigsby 41 78 80 68 79 84 389 389
Nancy Specht 57 76 87 70 55 71 77 77 513 388 2nd 50-59
Lisa Heavner 31 77 73 59 73 79 78 439 380
Mary Mayhew 64 82 75 70 72 79 378 378 1st 60-69
Janet Hughes 72 74 85 64 57 69 73 73 495 374 1st 70&Over
Michelle Balio 32 94 89 85 90 358 358
Colleen Snyder 53 RD 84 65 46 63 72 72 402 356 3rd 50-59
Mary Sturm 59 68 56 70 76 74 344 344
McKenzie Schrank 12 89 77 85 87 338 338 1st 11-13
Jacqueline Post 29 85 86 86 78 335 335 3rd 20-29
Mary Westcott 29 67 48 68 75 76 334 334
Tara Owens 14 72 61 75 84 292 292 1st 14-16
Sabrina Rippey 11 71 63 44 60 238 238 2nd 11-13